Can mate from pokemon go?

Can mate from pokemon go?

Booming Pokemon Go make businesses trying to get a windfall from the game. One is a service called by the name of PokeDates. This service is a solution for gamers Pokemon Go the middle of singles to be looking for a new partner without having to stop hunting activity pokemon.

PokeDates application will act as a matchmaker that brought fellow gamers Pokemon Go. This app will try to find a mate who has the appropriate character and certainly equally play the game Pokemon Go. By doing so, the relationship can be continued not only related to hunting activity pokemon. But also can be extended to other more serious activities
PokeDotes, as quoted from Ubergizmo, is a matchmaker service built on a service-based matchmaker named Project Fixup. The service is also full use of the human, not a machine or AI. And the questions and answers posed by this PokeDotes was entirely done by human power and they will try to find an appropriate mate
However, to use this PokeDotes service was not cheap. As the pace of promotions, parties PokeDotes indeed share a promo code that allows gamers Pokemon Go to earn the first spouse. But for the next couple searches, charged a fee of 20 USD.

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