Werner Syndrome : Causes and Symptoms

Werner syndrome is a condition rare disorder, progressive, indicated by aging too fast and unusual (progeria). Although these disorders are typically recognized in their 30s or 40s, certain characteristics can arise when early adolescence or young adulthood.

It is important that the main headline in the report Werner's syndrome have some found as a synonym for alternative names.
Werner Syndrome : Causes and Symptoms

Individuals with Werner syndrome have slow growth and abnormal, and there is a dismissal of growth at puberty. As a result, affected individuals have short stature and relatively little weight to height. At the age of 25, people with the disorder often experience premature graying (canities) and premature loss of scalp hair (alopecia). As long as the disease progresses, additional abnormalities include loss of fat layer under the skin (subcutaneous adipose tissue); Severe thin (atrophy) of muscle tissue in certain areas of the body; and degenerative changes in the skin, especially in the face, upper arms and hands, and legs as well as the lower leg (lower limb). Because of this degenerative changes affecting the facial area, individuals with Werner Syndrome may have protruding eyes, a small nose like a beak, and / or facial abnormalities. 

 Werner syndrome can also be characterized by the development of sound high-pitched, abnormalities of the eye, including the lens is cloudy (cataract bilateral senile), and hormonal disorders, such as disruption of ovarian function in women or testes in men (hypogonadism) or insulin production is abnormal pancreas and resistance to insulin so that people affected by diabetes mellitus non-insulin dependent. Additionally, individuals with Werner syndrome may experience a progressive thickening of the arterial wall and loss of elasticity of the arterial walls (arteriosclerosis). Involvement of blood vessels typically is the artery that carries oxygen-rich blood to the heart muscle (coronary arteries). Some people also experience a benign tumor (benign) or malignant (malignant). Progressive arteriosclerosis, cancer, and / or other related abnormalities will give life-threatening complications at the age of 40 years or 50 years.

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